Tuesday, 30 March 2010

nothing much...

Bit down at the moment....

Had my assessments back from the first (and last) project I have had from the tutor that is meant to be teaching us how to draw and create comics....

Well i got a third, which is a really low pass.

Was well disappointed as in his notes he never really gave criticism or anything but just bashed my art work. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt as he gave me some good points but nothing major special.....

He basically said I need to learn how to draw, fall in love with drawing and do it everyday. Work on my own style and be original...... the problem is I have no idea how to do that.

Now I am so self conscious about what i am drawing that I am actually scared to draw anything for my other projects!!

That's all I have to say at the moment as I am kinda tired from lack of sleep.

Sorry guys will do better journal entry next time.

Friday, 26 March 2010

Hello all..... or no one haha!

Hmmmmmm well I thought I would start a new blog as I am currently in a new chapter of my life.... and it would be cool if a few years down the line I have the job I want and then look back on this and think...... "What a fucking idiot" *laughs*

I had a live journal for many years now but sort of got bored of it so now I thought new life, new start...... new blog haha.
You know it's taken me a good few minutes to actually think about what to write? I mean where do I start?? mmm Probably the best thing is at the beginning (not from birth haha).

My name is Fred, I am currently 21 years of age and a confused individual. I am probably one of the most crudest people you will ever meet, I do not mean to be in a bad way. It's just the jokes and things I make can be a tad vulgar I suppose. I think if I was to have an autobiography when I am an old grumpy man I think I would title it 'Still Vulgar'.

.... where was I? ..... Oh yes!

I was a student of Japanese language for a good 3 years. Only part time, once a week on a Saturday. I have taken and passed the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) at level 4. I really wish to continue the study of the language as it be silly to forget and I like it...

I am originally from South East London, Bexleyheath!! I am currently taking up residence in Swindon as I am doing a degree in Sequential Illustration....

Yes I can hear you all now..... "Why SWINDON!?"

I am not sure really but we get our degree from Oxford Brookes when we pass anyway so meh I don't care where the course is held anymore. I did for a while and I noticed the atmosphere in the class take a massive nose dive because of it, but things seem to be picking up again.

...... Now we are coming close to getting the rest of our loans!

I am enjoying the course so far, once I get to grips with using this site I'll add artwork I have done and that as well.

Well I am not sure what else to write..... I'll maybe fill in this blog once a week or every few days or so. Every day is a tad much I think lol