Hmmmmmm well I thought I would start a new blog as I am currently in a new chapter of my life.... and it would be cool if a few years down the line I have the job I want and then look back on this and think...... "What a fucking idiot" *laughs*
I had a live journal for many years now but sort of got bored of it so now I thought new life, new start...... new blog haha.
You know it's taken me a good few minutes to actually think about what to write? I mean where do I start?? mmm Probably the best thing is at the beginning (not from birth haha).
My name is Fred, I am currently 21 years of age and a confused individual. I am probably one of the most crudest people you will ever meet, I do not mean to be in a bad way. It's just the jokes and things I make can be a tad vulgar I suppose. I think if I was to have an autobiography when I am an old grumpy man I think I would title it 'Still Vulgar'.
.... where was I? ..... Oh yes!
I was a student of Japanese language for a good 3 years. Only part time, once a week on a Saturday. I have taken and passed the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) at level 4. I really wish to continue the study of the language as it be silly to forget and I like it...
I am originally from South East London, Bexleyheath!! I am currently taking up residence in Swindon as I am doing a degree in Sequential Illustration....
Yes I can hear you all now..... "Why SWINDON!?"
I am not sure really but we get our degree from Oxford Brookes when we pass anyway so meh I don't care where the course is held anymore. I did for a while and I noticed the atmosphere in the class take a massive nose dive because of it, but things seem to be picking up again.
...... Now we are coming close to getting the rest of our loans!
I am enjoying the course so far, once I get to grips with using this site I'll add artwork I have done and that as well.
Well I am not sure what else to write..... I'll maybe fill in this blog once a week or every few days or so. Every day is a tad much I think lol