Monday, 26 April 2010

Random thought of the Day

Wished I had more friends who actually worked in the Illustration business....... Yea weird I know but it would be really cool as I could turn to them for advice and then I can be like for example "oooh yea I'm friends with Ben Templesmith!" LMAO

Also I really need to develop myself more as an artist! It's a pain as there are so many things I feel I cannot draw but still do not try and draw.... Annoying as it is lmao.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Gah really annoyed! lmao

Well I shall start of on good note! I have finally finished my Journal project!! YAY lol

Dirty thing it is!! I am not 100% pleased with it as I could of done a lot better.... my own fault really as I never planned my time properly. The final product is not 100% the way I had envisioned it. But I have other projects I really need to be getting on with so now I am going to make a start on those.

Yes the reason I am annoyed lol Well for a while now me and a mate of mine have been getting our wires crossed as it were and haven't spoken for ages. Basically one thought the other had a problem with them and the same vice versa. So we never spoke for a long time.... we had such a great chat one night on our way home that we sorted stuff out and I thought it was back to the way things were before all this crap happened. But he'll do things like give me a really awkward look or ignore my texts if I ask him if he wants to hang out or go into town but message my classmate (who is also my housemate) that he is bored or has returned to Swindon from being at home in Reading.....

And i wind myself up about it all and think like what the fuck was that chat about then? Gah he has been the cause of all my down spiralling moods this year that I really have had enough.

Yea I know I am probably reading too much into things but at the same time I guess it happens when you get attached to someone and then you feel ignored. Plus it don't help that all I have is a small group of people I know here in Swindon..... Gah I wanna go back to London!!