Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Playing abbout

Been a way for a bit.... well from blogging and Illustration. Although my Twitter life and Facebook life are still in full swing haha.
It's now Easter so got a couple of weeks off. Got some projects to catch up on mind you and I also want to try out a new Illustration/colouring method.
I am very much still in to the whole Traditional/ Digital mix media thing, just not 100% sure how that will come about when I leave though.
Anyhoo this is a little Illustration I made today out of boredom and procrastination. I was just messing so no seriousness at all.... which I find my messing about images seem to work better than the serious, well thought out ones haha!! That's bad right? :P
Well this is it for now... Off to stuff my face with food (Really should start exercising and going gym again).