Thursday, 20 September 2012

Me thus far.

Not much has happened since I've been on holiday. My comics list is growing, which is good. I may invest in a small Calendar so I can write events down on them and plan my comic writing out.
So what have I been doing? I've restarted my dissertation module at uni! I know, crazy right but I'd like to graduate with some sort of BA with HON rather than just a BA.
Anyway enough of that! 
I am currently writing a short 4 page comic with a writer named Jason Cobley, who you can easily find on Amazon and has done some interesting work. I'm excited to be working with him and hopefully we can collab on more things in the future. The first 2 images are from said project.
The last image is my current status of my Forever12 project that I am working on with a fantastic array of artists. It's my first Anthology and it's my first time going straight to digital with the roughs/ thumbnails. 
Also I am currently working out the kinks and the best way to show off a comics portfolio lol As I've only been shown how to layout an illustration portfolio haha
Other than that there shall be more comics coming from me soon xD