Wednesday 24 October 2012

Hulkling and Wiccan.

HULKLING AND WICCAN!!! They are on a night out together.... A little lost so Wiccan conjures a map! Tried to add some of the people in the BG to look on them in shock and such.... Wanted to maybe attempt to portray how an openly gay mutant couple would be treated.
This is more a future version as I feel they look older than their actual are in the Marvelverse hahaha

Update. Got rid of the Halo thing around the characters. Was going to move the arm of Hulkling as I know it's a bit off anatomy wise but it would change the composition and what I wanted to portray. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey mate, good picture- although thinking about what you said with Hulklings arm I would say to fix it you could move his hand onto Wiccan's bicep and get rid of the little bit at the bottom (as if they had their arms linked)
    The BG characters work well and look good, the only thing i would comment on is the excessive black in the BG. Perhaps a gradient for the floor and sky? It can still be dark (as they're on a night out) but something that differentiates the floor, the crowd, and the sky would be nice. Keep it coming!
